Yachtcharter auf Sardinien
Jaguar 76 Sport
Poltu Quatu - Olbia (Olbia Tempio)
| Tel.-Nr. +39.070.513489 |Are you thinking about a vacancy without any troubles? This is the best solution for you!
You will be the protagonist of your cruise, our skilled personal will be able to help you defing the best route and the safest mooring, they will give you also precious advices about the most interesting places to visit.
This is the best solution for who wants simply having an unforgettable holiday characterized by tranquillity and fun.
Do you want the best comfort? We will join to the captain and to the vice capitain an hostess who will integrate the crew carrying out all the tasks on board.
A real custom made cruise!
We will offer you high selected staff, to guarantee you security, privacy and an hight level kitchen’s quality and a scrupulous service.
Yacth Mind offers you custom assistance and takes care about your vacation with attention to the smallest details.
The team will follow you step by step in the choice of the most suitable solution for your needs.
Bootstyp: Motorboot
Besatzungsmöglichkeit: Boot mit Besatzung
Besatzungsmitglieder: 2 Personen
Flagge (Land): Italien
Hersteller: Dream Srl
Modell: Jaguar 76 Sport
Jahr: 2007
Länge: Mt 23.5
Deckbalken: Mt 5.8
Tiefgang: Mt. 1.05
Motoren: MTU 2x1.550
Kajütenanzahl: 4
Maximale Gästeanzahl: 12 Personen